Frequently asked questions

How do I book with a tattoo artist from this shop?

Fill out the contact form on this website or follow the artist’s social media links to their personal inboxes and direct message/ inbox them with some information about your inquiry

How do I book with an artist if I am unsure of my tattoo designs?

Send an artist a tattoo request here and they will help guide you through the design process. They will help figure out what is best for you. Send as many photos for your artist to reference. Your photos may include a tattoo you saw online, photos of the tattoo style you like, photos of your body and the area you hope to cover with your new tattoo. Even if you have no photos, your artist can help create something for you no matter what! Let the professionals handle your artwork at Inkologist in a sterile environment and a timely manner.

Do all artists have the same booking procedures?

No, every artist do not book the same. Please read their page to find out more about the artist you chose to tattoo you.

Do all artists charge the same rate at this tattoo shop?

No, every artist prices their tattoos however they prefer. You will be informed of the artist’s rate after you contact them personally. Some charge by design, while others choose to charge at an hourly rate. Inquire with the artist you choose is right for you.